Wednesday, July 24, 2013

If you are feeling depressed this is a must read...

It may be surprising to you but many people ask how to be happy. Being and staying happy is way easier than you think! All it takes is a little action but it won't feel like action at all! Here I have ten musts to be and stay happy! In order for this to work you must do at least one of these EVERYDAY! 

1) Play- Be child-like. Do something you haven't done since you were a child. If you have kids play with them. Play games like Hide and go seek and tag!

2) Service to others- Volunteer at your local hospital, help a friend move, be a shoulder to cry on, help your kids with their homework. Make a selfless act.

3) Catch up on things you've been putting off- Make that doctors appointment, clean out your garage, fix that broken window. Whatever it is get it over with! You will feel so much better once the weight has been lifted.

4) Laugh- I recommend this one daily! Laugh so hard it hurts!

5) Stop and smell the roses- Just take a moment to look around you and point out all the things you are grateful for and all that you love!

6) Gift yourself- Take time to go to the spa, buy yourself something nice, Take a long bath. You deserve it!

7) Create- Plant a garden, draw something, do arts and crafts, write a poem, build something, restore something. Please the left side of your brain!

8) Dance- Listen to your favorite music and shake your booty!

9) Learn something new- Read a book on a subject you know nothing about, talk to someone from a different walk of life, learn a new sport. Just expand your mind beyond information that is being fed to you!

10) Be alone- Go for a walk, turn off the TV, Put down that book. Just immerse yourself with you and learn to love that person!

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